Enabling a Change-Resilient Workforce

Originally published in PRSA’s Strategies & Tactics on March 1, 2023. By Leah Gladu and Patricia Campbell It feels like we’ve been having the same conversation for years now, doesn’t it? Discussing workplace trends, how business is evolving and where we’re going next. Too often, all these predictive conversations leave us with is a pile of empty guesses.…

Communicating Change Across Generations

By Lindsay Gladu, Head of Change Management  A scan of headlines about the “generation wars” would have you believe your coworkers are some combination of out of touch, entitled or disloyal, depending on their birth year.  A little harsh, but there’s a degree of truth underneath all the finger-pointing: Employees’ life experiences — and therefore…

Change Management in Times of Crisis

By Anna Morris Change is inevitable, and as a company grows, it becomes even more critical to have processes in place to facilitate and champion change. Successful change management puts the focus on a company’s employees and helps them embrace and lean into change. If employees aren’t on board, the outcome will reflect that at…