As we monitor industry trends and support our clients through the COVID-19 pandemic, the KWI team has identified some common pain points, and we’re ready to help by offering the solutions you need now. Whether your goals are for this week, this month or this quarter, we offer effective and scalable solutions and would love to come alongside your team.
I need help engaging and managing my employees now that most of our workforce is remote.
We can help:
- Assist with producing and facilitating productive virtual meetings
- Provide strategies and tactics for managing and engaging employees virtually
- Train and assist your management teams on effective employee communication

For example:
We can partner with your team to train to equip leaders and managers, provide a weekly toolkit (think: a meeting-in-a-box) for easy meeting facilitation either on an ongoing basis or as a one-time toolkit customized for your business, share engagement tips and craft consistent messaging.
I need help navigating the ever-changing status of the coronavirus situation.
We can help:
- Provide leadership consulting to balance inspiration and comfort with business performance
- Train your management teams to be effective leaders during this time
- Develop and tailor communications plans to make your job easier
- Consult on business continuity planning and workforce reentry
- Guide your team both on what to communicate, as well as when to communicate

For example:
Let us do the heavy lifting to keep you and your team informed about daily news updates and impacts on your industry. Plus, we can work with you on a project- or ongoing-basis to ensure you’re prepared for reentry, reacclimation and business continuity planning that will come with the post-coronavirus world, as well as associated communications.
I am looking for a way to care for my employees amid this crisis, which is causing stress and anxiety for my team.
We can help:
- Implement a customized Virtual Wellness Program for your employees
- Strengthen and build community among your team

For example:
We’ve developed a customized online wellness program featuring both self-guided and facilitated activities, meditation, humor and more. Let us tailor our program to your team to meet the needs of today.
Our business is facing an internal or external crisis as a result of coronavirus that we were not prepared for.
We can help:
- Provide crisis communication planning, communication support and issues management
- Monitor news and social media surrounding your business and industry as it relates to COVID-19
- Develop and vet messaging
- Train your leadership team and spokespeople on communicating during a crisis both internally and externally

For example:
Our crisis communications experts are ready to dive in to support your team through challenging times. Whether you anticipate challenges on the horizon associated with business continuity and workforce reentry or you’re in the midst of unforeseen impacts associated with the virus, we can offer tactical support, as well as strategic guidance (and even one-time spokesperson training and message development) until you’re back on your feet.
I need support developing engaging video content remotely.
We can help:
- Guide you through filming videos from home
- Produce and edit video content

For example:
The beauty of virtual tools is that being remote doesn’t stop us from generating compelling content. Our team can guide your executives through filming videos and presentations from home, then leave the bells and whistles to us to finish the production. You’ll have top-notch, engaging content in no time.
Know you need support but not sure where to start?
We can help!
Whether you’re looking for ongoing support to help fill the gap during a challenging time or you just need a few weeks of guidance or a couple resources, we have a deep bench and diverse expertise. We would be glad to partner with you.
Phone: 404-480-2579
50 Hurt Plaza SE #1400, Atlanta, GA 30303